Thursday, December 3, 2015

Redox Lecture

This lecture was not something I would have expected. We were supposed to listen to the lecture before Thanksgiving break. But due to change of plans by Mrs. Frankenberg, we had to listen to the lecture the day we came back. She said that this lecture was going to be one of the  hardest to understand. But when we listened to the lecture, it wasn't too hard to understand. I actually felt confident about this unit. This was the me, 2 days ago. Here I am now, wondering what I am doing with my life.... I have no clue what these problems are talking about and I feel like I am gonna cry. Mostly because I know the test is gonna be really hard. I did some of the practice tests and they weren't too hard. I think I should be somewhat okay. We will see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I didn't feel overwhelmed with the redox lesson. It was so much easier than everyone was leading us to believe. I too am worried about the test even though I am confident about all the information since all the other unit tests have been nothing like practice tests. That especially makes me extremely frustrated.
