Thursday, December 3, 2015

Reactivity Series Lab

This lab was almost exactly the same as the previous lab, which was the the solubility lab. We used the exact same well plates and we were mixing 2 things. The only difference was that we were looking to see if there was a chemical reaction in the reactivity series lab. In this lab however, we were conducting redox reactions. We were not conducting double replacement reactions. The prelab for this quiz was pretty easy. Partner A got a multiple choice and naturally, me being partner B, got the non multiple choice question. Although, I got the easy question this time. It was a 2 letter answer so no work involved. It didn't even take me a minute to do it. Naturally, me and my partner both passed. The lab itself wasn't too hard. It was writing the chemical equations at the end, which got me. I do not believe we did net ionic equations for redox, so we had o figure that out ourselves. In the lab, we combined a metal and a liquid compound. We were to see if there was any bubbling or fizzing or color change to indicate if the reaction took place. Then we had to make our own reactivity series. Calcium was on top because it reacted with all the compounds and lead was placed at the bottom as it didn't react with any of them. Calcium reacting is kind of cool as it fizzes and creates smoke. Overall, this lab was pretty fun.

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