Thursday, December 3, 2015

Web Resources for Chemical Reactions Unit

Here is a list of web resources for this unit. If you need to reference this unit for the final exam, I recommend these resources. Sorry I am posting this after the test, but I was kind of busy with this unit. Hopefully you like these resources.

1. Balancing Chemical Equations - This website shows you how to balance chemical equations and also has a couple good examples which show you what you do if you encounter any irregular equations.
2. Combustion Reactions - This website covers all you need to know about combustion reactions. It also has a video explaining chemical reactions.
3. Precipitation Reactions - This website covers the whole precipitation reaction and also has a condensed form of the solubility rules.
4. Solubility Rules Memorization - This website has two ways to remember the solubility rules.
5. Acid-Base Reactions - This website has an overview on acid base reactions and also has several examples. This website also provides free live chem tutoring so if you need help, you can go ask for help.
6. Redox Reactions - This website further explains redox reactions and also contains 10 examples on how to solve redox reactions. I used this website for help when I had a doubt about something related to redox reactions.


  1. Varun, thanks for these helpful links! i will definitely be using them for the final.

  2. Thank you, Varun, for sharing this amazing links and I will be share to use these to study for the final.

  3. Thanks for the awesome links bro! These will be some righteous tools for studying for the final. :)
