Thursday, December 3, 2015

Chemical Reactions Test

My study session started yesterday at about 8 pm. I first, read the notes and read the rules and memorized and understood as much as I could. I did not look at the group chat as they were talking way too much. I took a 1 hour nap and when I woke p, there were 306 messages from groupme. So I decided not to read the chat. After I studied the notes, I took both practice tests. I missed two questions on the first one and missed none on the second. I felt pretty confident. I had a good night's sleep. This was the me yesterday. I woke up in the morning and went to school as usual. At about 3rd hour, I asked my friend about the test. She said it was alright so I relaxed. Then at lunch, my other friend told me that it was the hardest test of his life. I stared at him in disbelief. He was pretty smart too so I got a little worried. But I still didn't review and stayed strong. After I got the test packet, you will not believe the expression on my face. It looked a little like this.

I had no clue where these problems came from. I went through the test and did what I could. Turns out I skipped 7 problems out of 30. I went back and answered to the best of my ability. Most of those 7 are probably wrong. What I would be thankful for was if this test didn't drop my semester grade too much. Well, lets see what happens.


  1. I couldn't agree more. I also did both practice test and felt very confident about my performance on those so I considered myself "ready". Apparently Frank the Tank didn't choose from the test bank because I had no idea where those questions were from. I guess we both tried our best. Maybe an A for effort?

  2. Varun almost the same thing happened to me. The practice tests were a breeze, and I asked around and people said it was easy. It was not easy. Obama is relateable
