Sunday, December 6, 2015

First Lecture of Stoichiometry

I got to say, my first impression at this unit was awesome. The lecture was just so easy, that I could not believe my ears. Stoichiometry (pronounced stoy-ki-oh-met-ri), is just such a misleading name. I thought this unit was just gonna be crazy hard. I was even more afraid for my grade. After that last Unit test, my grade took a pretty big downfall. But turns out, this unit is one of the easiest in the whole of Semester 1. I am just even more happy that this unit test is gonna boost my grade up. I am looking for that 'A' in chemistry. Yup, I think I am gonna get an 'A' this semester. Stoichiometry is just  fancy name for conversion. During the lecture, I learned that stoichiometry is really simple. It has 5 steps which don't change, even if the problem changes. We take one element and convert into a compound. This unit is a combination of the chemical composition and chemical reactions unit. There is nothing more that that. Its just plain and simple. On the lecture on Monday, we are going to listen to the second half of the lecture.

This is the steps for stoichiometry calculation


  1. Yay Varun! I hope you get that A! I agree with you that this lesson was a lot easier than I thought it would be. You did a very good job explaining the lesson in a simplified version. I enjoy how there is a set process you have to go through with Stoichiometry instead of having to figure it out on your own. Good luck with your grade!

  2. Varun, your initial observations of this unit were for the most part correct, for it was a fairly easy unit. Although brief, your explanation of the first lecture was right on!
