Monday, November 23, 2015

Weekly Quiz over Chemical Reactions

This weekly quiz wasn't too bad. It was nothing compared to the previous quiz. This one was really easy. The part that helped me the most was the fact that there was no review on the quiz. And this lesson itself isn't too hard. I didn't spend too much time studying. I studied about 15 minutes in my math classroom. I kind of remember the solubility rules of the top of my head now. Everything was going well, but then my friend told me that there were a couple questions about a precipitate. I forgot what that meant so I got nervous. I tried finding it in my book, but then I saw my friend. I asked her and she told me that a precipitate is the driving force. After I learned that, I was confident again. I answered every question and only guessed on one. This equation was kind of hard to balance so I kind of gave up and guessed an answer. A lot of people said that I guessed the right answer so I was happy. I think this might have been my first hundred in the class. Hopefully, the unit exam is also this easy.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly with you that the quiz was easy in comparison to other quizzes that we've taken. However, I would hesitate to say that there was absolutely no review since you do have to know some of the basic principles of nomenclature. I would also refrain from thinking that the exam will be this easy. With all of the things that we will have to memorize, I'm sure it will offer quite a challenge (like every other exam we've taken so far).

  2. I like the way the quizzes are set up because they make more of a check up on the way we are progressing through what we have learned and if we mess up, they don't really badly effect our grade, however, they do tell us what we need to work on. I am glad that this is how these were set up.

  3. While I might not have gotten a hundred I do think it was one of the easier quizzes we have had. Though I studied I still struggled I little.

  4. I agree with all previous comments. Personally, I did study quite a bit and I did think the concepts were very easy. Although I felt very confident going in to the quiz, I felt like the questions were much harder than the example problems we did in class and the practice problems from the book. I hope this means that the test is not that bad.
