Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Web Resources for the Stoichiometry Unit

Here are a few helpful links that I found to be really helpful in stoichiometry.

1. Stoichiometry - This is the best website to learn everything. You just click on a concept and it takes you to a video in which everything about the concept is explained. I love Khan academy.
2. Stoichiometry Problems - This website has several problems relating to stoichiometry. It also has hints for select problems.
3. Sample Stoich Problems - This just contains a few examples of stoich problems if you are still a little confused about the whole how to do it part.
4. Theoretical and Percent Yield - This website contains information about how to do percent yield problems.
5. Percent Yield Problems - This contains some practice problems about percent yields.
6. More percent Yield Problems - This contains some more percent yield problems.

All of these contributed to my learning in this unit in some way. I suggest you use some of these as practice for the final exam.

Final Unit Test on Stoichiometry

This test was the easiest test ever!!! I am so happy that this was our last unit. I think I got an 'A' because of this test and I owe it all to this unit. It was just so easy. The 12 questions were just so easy that I feel like I didn't need all that time. I mean I only had 10 minutes extra time, but I spent some time checking answers. I actually was very busy the night before and decided not to study. I mean I just wing every test anyways, but I really wanted to study for this one as it would determine my semester grade. But as usual, I managed my time badly and ended up not studying. In the morning I printed out the test ticklr and that saved my life. I never thought that the exam would have the exact same question but with different numbers. Doing that ticklr saved me 10 mins on the test. The test itself was the most shocking thing. For the first time, the final unit test was not completely random. The problems were closely related to what we practiced and learned in class. That really was helpful. Also, I was one of the questions on the test!!! It had to do with me and my partner's lab and I was really excited about being on the test! I think I covered everything I needed to and I fell confident about this test. I know I got that 'A'!

Copper (II) Chloride and Iron Lab

I gotta say, this was actually one of the coolest labs we have done this year. This lab was the experiment of the single replacement reaction: Fe + CuCl2 ---> Cu + FeCl2.  On the first day, we put a polished iron nail in a solution of water and Copper (II) Chloride in a baby food jar. After that, we let it sit overnight for the reaction to take place. On the next day, we took out the nail and washed to copper with water and HCl. This is to clean and purify the copper. Then, we let the copper dry over the weekend so that we would get an accurate measurement of the copper. The whole purpose of this lab was to see the theoretical and actual yields of the copper, so we could find the percent yield of the copper. The coolest part about this lab was to see that the nail had been eaten by the solution. The strong nail broke apart and literally dissolved! This lab was just awesome!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Weekly Quiz on Stoichiometry

I gotta say, my opinion about this unit has changed. I thought it was super easy and that the unit test would be freakin awesome. But now I found another problem. As they say, "There is always a problem in Chemistry." The weekly quiz was pretty easy. Honestly, I didn't think it was hard. But the problem was time. It took us 50 minutes to do 10 stoichiometry problems. If we get 30 of those problems on the unit test, I wonder what is gonna happen. I think at least Mrs. Frankenberg should break apart the question into multiple questions involving steps. That way we can actually finish the test. The questions were easy, but they took sooo long! I did enough work on that quiz to fill 10 pages of notes. Every question was about the same. This was the only good part. There wasn't too much thinking involved. It was a little tricky but I caught on. The hardest part for me was trust. I did each problem and checked it like 10 times. Mostly because I know that if I mess up a single digit, it could mess up the whole answer. And also, Mrs. Frankenberg works each problem the wrong ways too. So I was unsure about every single answer, thinking that I was falling into her trap. This is weird, but I think she is testing our patience and concentration. If I lose track for one second, I know that I am gonna miss that question. Well anyways, hopefully the unit test will be fine. Hope is all I have left...

Sunday, December 6, 2015

First Lecture of Stoichiometry

I got to say, my first impression at this unit was awesome. The lecture was just so easy, that I could not believe my ears. Stoichiometry (pronounced stoy-ki-oh-met-ri), is just such a misleading name. I thought this unit was just gonna be crazy hard. I was even more afraid for my grade. After that last Unit test, my grade took a pretty big downfall. But turns out, this unit is one of the easiest in the whole of Semester 1. I am just even more happy that this unit test is gonna boost my grade up. I am looking for that 'A' in chemistry. Yup, I think I am gonna get an 'A' this semester. Stoichiometry is just  fancy name for conversion. During the lecture, I learned that stoichiometry is really simple. It has 5 steps which don't change, even if the problem changes. We take one element and convert into a compound. This unit is a combination of the chemical composition and chemical reactions unit. There is nothing more that that. Its just plain and simple. On the lecture on Monday, we are going to listen to the second half of the lecture.

This is the steps for stoichiometry calculation

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Web Resources for Chemical Reactions Unit

Here is a list of web resources for this unit. If you need to reference this unit for the final exam, I recommend these resources. Sorry I am posting this after the test, but I was kind of busy with this unit. Hopefully you like these resources.

1. Balancing Chemical Equations - This website shows you how to balance chemical equations and also has a couple good examples which show you what you do if you encounter any irregular equations.
2. Combustion Reactions - This website covers all you need to know about combustion reactions. It also has a video explaining chemical reactions.
3. Precipitation Reactions - This website covers the whole precipitation reaction and also has a condensed form of the solubility rules.
4. Solubility Rules Memorization - This website has two ways to remember the solubility rules.
5. Acid-Base Reactions - This website has an overview on acid base reactions and also has several examples. This website also provides free live chem tutoring so if you need help, you can go ask for help.
6. Redox Reactions - This website further explains redox reactions and also contains 10 examples on how to solve redox reactions. I used this website for help when I had a doubt about something related to redox reactions.

Chemical Reactions Test

My study session started yesterday at about 8 pm. I first, read the notes and read the rules and memorized and understood as much as I could. I did not look at the group chat as they were talking way too much. I took a 1 hour nap and when I woke p, there were 306 messages from groupme. So I decided not to read the chat. After I studied the notes, I took both practice tests. I missed two questions on the first one and missed none on the second. I felt pretty confident. I had a good night's sleep. This was the me yesterday. I woke up in the morning and went to school as usual. At about 3rd hour, I asked my friend about the test. She said it was alright so I relaxed. Then at lunch, my other friend told me that it was the hardest test of his life. I stared at him in disbelief. He was pretty smart too so I got a little worried. But I still didn't review and stayed strong. After I got the test packet, you will not believe the expression on my face. It looked a little like this.

I had no clue where these problems came from. I went through the test and did what I could. Turns out I skipped 7 problems out of 30. I went back and answered to the best of my ability. Most of those 7 are probably wrong. What I would be thankful for was if this test didn't drop my semester grade too much. Well, lets see what happens.

Reactivity Series Lab

This lab was almost exactly the same as the previous lab, which was the the solubility lab. We used the exact same well plates and we were mixing 2 things. The only difference was that we were looking to see if there was a chemical reaction in the reactivity series lab. In this lab however, we were conducting redox reactions. We were not conducting double replacement reactions. The prelab for this quiz was pretty easy. Partner A got a multiple choice and naturally, me being partner B, got the non multiple choice question. Although, I got the easy question this time. It was a 2 letter answer so no work involved. It didn't even take me a minute to do it. Naturally, me and my partner both passed. The lab itself wasn't too hard. It was writing the chemical equations at the end, which got me. I do not believe we did net ionic equations for redox, so we had o figure that out ourselves. In the lab, we combined a metal and a liquid compound. We were to see if there was any bubbling or fizzing or color change to indicate if the reaction took place. Then we had to make our own reactivity series. Calcium was on top because it reacted with all the compounds and lead was placed at the bottom as it didn't react with any of them. Calcium reacting is kind of cool as it fizzes and creates smoke. Overall, this lab was pretty fun.

Redox Lecture

This lecture was not something I would have expected. We were supposed to listen to the lecture before Thanksgiving break. But due to change of plans by Mrs. Frankenberg, we had to listen to the lecture the day we came back. She said that this lecture was going to be one of the  hardest to understand. But when we listened to the lecture, it wasn't too hard to understand. I actually felt confident about this unit. This was the me, 2 days ago. Here I am now, wondering what I am doing with my life.... I have no clue what these problems are talking about and I feel like I am gonna cry. Mostly because I know the test is gonna be really hard. I did some of the practice tests and they weren't too hard. I think I should be somewhat okay. We will see what happens.