Friday, March 18, 2016

Web Resources for the Chemical Bonding Unit

Here are a few web resources for this unit. They are not that helpful but they did clear a few doubts in my head. Some lectures are actually really useful.

1. Lewis Structures - This link shows how dot structures work and how single bonds in covalent compounds relate to dot structures.
2. Bond Energy and Length - This video explains this concept very well.
3. VSEPR Theory - This link shows and explains the VSEPR theory.
4. Difference in shape and geometry - This link shows the difference between electronic and molecular geometry and some other differences.
5. Polarity - This website does a good job explaining how polarity works in a molecule.
6. Dipole moment with electronegativity - This video does a good job explaining how dipole moments work.

All of these links are useful. I would advice you to use a couple of these for the final.

1 comment:

  1. Great links you got here, Varun. I'm definitely going to use these to review for the final.
