Friday, March 11, 2016

Modeling Lab

This lab wasn't what I'd say, interesting. The one thing unique about this lab was the fact that we actually went out of the classroom for this lab. We went to the library. This was the least dangerous lab ever. I believe DANGER=FUN. Now if you're like me then you probably didn't enjoy the lab. Either way, the lab was still a good learning experience. We all sat in tiny bean bag thingies that were pretty comfortable. However, they were too small for me so I just got the big chair instead. For the lab, we wrote down ideas on an idea table. The lab was just figuring out certain things about each covalent compound. This was good practice for the test. Our teacher was also around to answer any questions we had. In the end, this lab was good because we didn't need to turn in anything for this lab.

 Just Ben looking a little confused.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this activity! It helped me understand the lesson a lot more.
