Sunday, March 6, 2016

Unit Test of Electronic Structure

This test was just, '..ehhh..'. I didn't really think it was that hard but at the same time I didn't think it was easy. The one thing that shocked me was the fact that this test was 50 questions long. I think that was the longest chemistry test ever. However, it didn't take much to answer each question. I did pretty good even though I had to stay to finish the test during the passing period. I feel pretty confident about this test. Even if I do screw up this test, I don't care. At this point in 3rd quarter, I am just done with school. My current goal for chemistry is being revised to achieving a 'B' instead of an 'A.' So whatever happens after this test, I'm cool with it. Only thing is that the tests are gonna go in after a long time. Since a lot of other people haven't taken this test, we need to wait for them to take it before putting it into the grade book.


  1. I agree that the test was '..ehhh..'. It was long, and took a lot of knowledge to complete. I want to know what I got, too!

  2. I think on this test we all went in knowing the most that we could. But the utter size of the test was very overwhelming to say the least.

  3. I can fully agree with you. It was an ehh test. Very long as well.
