Thursday, March 17, 2016

Unit Test for Chemical Bonding

This unit test didn't seem too hard. The one thing I didn't like about this test was the fact that it had over 45 questions. I typically don't like it when there are so many questions on a test. I mean there is no math involved but there was a lot of thinking involved in this test. I didn't study much but I felt like I didn't need to study. I thought the test went okay. However, when I checked my grade in class, it said I got a 54!!!

My heart stopped but a little bit later Mrs. Frankenberg said it was joke and said my real grade was an 80. Thank god. However, I still wasn't happy with my 80. I asked her to check the test and we found several mistakes in the test correcting thingy. Eventually my grade for the test went up to an 85. Man was I glad. Well that's it for this unit because there is not much to it left.

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