Friday, February 5, 2016

Quiz on Acids and Bases

This quiz was the first time I knew what I was doing. I knew a majority of the questions from the practice test and so I was prepared to take this quiz. I came in confident and I walked out confident. Then I was not so confident when I saw my grade. I thought I got an 'A', but I wasn't even close. I got a low B, and I was worried. I thought I had problems with me understanding the lesson, but it was just concentrations issues. This, I found out, as I got my quiz back. I made 2 silly mistakes and one that I just didn't realize was an ice-box type of question. I was still pretty happy with the fact that I could change my grade with the test. And I hope I will change my grade. Hopefully, to a positive end. And I gotta study for the retake. I feel pretty confident with solutions. I think I'm gonna do good.

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