Sunday, January 31, 2016

Friday Lecture on Calculating pH Values

Everyone said that this lecture was really hard. In a way, being 5th hour is terrible. We are always stressed out by the time we hear lecture or by the time we take a test. I am usually sweating on the inside when I walk into chem. Anyways, the lecture on Friday was really not that hard. I actually sort of kind of maybe understood it. I know this because I attempted a problem. When we didn't finish the lecture on Friday, our teacher put the rest of the notes on Schoology. Instead of copying the notes, I decided to try the problem. I swung and hit a homerun. That's right, I got that question right. So, I feel like I understand this lecture. I just hope I feel the same tomorrow when I am taking my test.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, being in 5th hour does have its downsides. You get so worked up over something. But yeah I did actually think the lecture was fairly easy.
