Saturday, February 6, 2016

Percent Acetic Acid in Vinegar Lab

This lab was more fun than any other lab (I feel like I say that for every lab). The first thing I liked about this lab was that we had all the time in the world to do our titrations. We had 3 days to work on it and the first day was just a 'trial day' for the experiment. Of course, there was a catch to it. We were being graded on percent error in our titrations. If we put to much base in, we're..... in trouble. Other than the constant threat of messing up the lab, this lab was pretty fun. The color that the solution turned was cool. I mean it was pink, but the way it turned pink was cool. I really don't know what else to say so, cya guys.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your description of the lab Varun! Also, your pictures sum up the lab pretty well.
