Monday, November 9, 2015

Hydrate Lab

This lab was pretty interesting. The pre-lab question was kind of new this time. We get to choose if we want to be Person A or Person B. Person A gets the lab information question and Person B gets the math question. I was Person B... It was intense. My partner got his question right in 10 seconds and that put more pressure on me. I was nervous. And we only got 3 minutes for the pre-lab. I passed it all right. The lab was about heating copper sulfate. I was happy that we got to play around with fire. I was even happier that there weren't any accidents. The bad part was that heating and weighing was pretty much all we did in the lab. It wasn't anything else. I was amazed that this took us all hour though. Well atleast now I am confident in calculating everything. I think I am gonna ace the test we are taking tomorrow. I don't think I need luck for this test. I will be back to post again tomorrow, after the test.


  1. Nice pictures, Varun. I agree that being Person B was super stressful. I went back and checked my answer with spare time, and I realized I made a calculation error which made me more stressed because I was afraid I wouldn't have time to fix it. In the end, I got it, and I thought the lab went pretty well.

  2. I was Person B too, and you guys are both right, it was awful. Carson was done in like ten seconds and I writing 'till our time was up. It helped a lot that the question was the same one that was on the practice questions in the packet, so I knew that the answer that I came up with was right. Also, I hope everyone did well on the test today because I'll cry tears of joy if I get over a 70.

  3. As I was partner A, I was counting on you a lot to get that question right, but you did and we got to do the lab. The results were very interesting, and they did help learning all the calculations.
