Sunday, November 15, 2015

Web Resources for the Chemical Composition Unit

Here is a list of a couple web resources that I used for this unit. This unit involved a couple concepts so I have a resource or two for each concepts. I have also summarized the information in each website so that it will be easier for you guys to study from.

1. Conversion/Mole map - This website includes some information on the molar map. It also has a couple practice problems.
2. Calculating Molar Mass - This website tells you how to calculate molar mass. It also contains a couple practice problems.
3. Molar Mass Practice Quiz - This website contains a practice quiz on calculating molar mass of compounds.
4. Moles - This website gives more information on moles. It is very useful for those who are still confused on the mole concept.
5. Percent Composition Practice Quiz - This website has a practice quiz on percent composition by mass.
6. Empirical Formulas - This website clears doubts for those who are unsure about empirical formulas.

All of these websites helped me understand this unit. If you guys need study resources for the test, these websites will prove to be helpful for you. Good luck on the test guys.


  1. These links were really helpful on explaining what we have learned! It would of been great if I've known about these before the unit test because I know they could of helped.

  2. Love the links! I looked at them before the test today. Thanks!

  3. The links were very helpful when it came to material for the test. I glanced through them the day of the test, and it proved beneficial as I picked up a few new things. Good job Varun!

  4. Thanks for the amazing links! I will be sure to use these to study before the test.
