Monday, November 23, 2015

Solubility Lab

This was the first lab for the Chemical Reactions unit. This lab was quite interesting. As usual, there was a lab quiz, but whether you fail or pass, you get to do the lab. The pre-lab question wasn't too hard. Again, there was a partner A and B and I was partner B, again. As usual, partner A gets the easy question and my partner got done in 10 seconds. It didn't take me too long though. I finished in about 2 minutes. We both got it right and entered the lab. The lab was basically dropping two liquids and watching to see a color or substance change. It was kind of cool in the beginning, but it got boring towards the end. This lab wasn't that special so there isn't much to talk about. After the lab, we were told to write the equations for the ones that worked during the lab. This was a lot of work. Took me a whole 15 MINUTES!!! My hand hurt a little after writing 2 pages of chemical equations. I was tired, but then I got over it. And then I turned it in. I took a couple pics. Too bad they aren't selfies... :/ Selfie with the well thingy is kind of hard.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that the experiment was interesting at first, then began to be a little boring, and I also agree that the writing of the equations was long and tedious work.
