Friday, November 13, 2015

Formula of a Chloride Lab

Yesterday in class, we did the formula of a chloride lab. We made zinc chloride in the lab. To first do the lab, we had to do a pre-lab question. It wasn't too hard but I was happy that me and my partner passed it. I think about 2 groups failed and the rest passed. When we went to our lab station, we first weighed a dry 100 ml beaker. Then we added a tiny piece of zinc to the beaker and weighed the mass again. After that, we measured 10 ml of 3M HCl in a graduated cylinder. Using a hot plate, we heated the mixture until all the zinc dissolved and until all the water disappeared. We had to take it off right after the water disappeared or else the salt would decompose and start releasing chlorine gas. So after we took it off the hot plate, we placed it on a hot pad and let it cool with a little help from the paper fan. After that we weighed the beaker and recorded the mass. This was the end of the lab procedure. We didn't want to finish the work cause we were too tired so we decided to eat the Doritos from Mole day. Even though that was a long time ago, the Doritos still tasted pretty good.


  1. Varun, you are a selfie god.... I really liked your explanation of the lab, you really sound like you knew what you were doing.

  2. This was a very thorough explanation of the lab we did. My partner and I also used our papers to fan our beaker to help it cool which made us all look kind of dumb. However I am jealous of you for getting those Doritos.
