Sunday, April 24, 2016

Web Resources for the Energy Unit

Here are a few links for the energy unit. They are pretty useful.

1. Heat and Specific Heat
2. Calculating Specific Heat
3. Specific Heat Calculation practice problems
4. Phase Diagrams
5. Heating and Cooling Curves
6. Inter-molecular Forces

These are all good resources for this unit. Would be useful for the final, if you are taking it. :)


  1. Thank you fro all of the links even though I don;t even want to think about he final yet.

  2. Thanks! I'm so very excited for the last unit to be over. I hope you don't have to take the final!

  3. Thanks for the links they will be helpful especially for those studying for the final exam! I agree with Sophie, I am glad this unit is over. Only one more to go!
