Saturday, April 9, 2016

Biodiesel Lab

This was probably one of the more fun labs that we have had this year. In this lab, we made biodiesel using corn oil. We first mixed corn oil and kOH/methanol solution. Then, we heated this mixture in a water bath for 25 mins. Then, we poured it into a cup and let it sit for a day. The next day, way separated the biodiesel from the glycerol at the bottom. The purpose of this lab was to create our own biodiesel to use for our boat. We are going to have a boat race contest in which we use our own boat and biodiesel to race. We are going to have the race in about a week. We still need to make our boats, so I better get started. I hope we win in the race, because the winner gets extra credit!


  1. I'm also looking forward to racing our boats- partially for the extra credit, but also to see whether or not the corn oil makes better biodiesel than the Chick-fil-A fryer oil. I like that you took plenty of pictures.

  2. Quality pictures Varun!

  3. I liked this lab a lot because I felt like I was learning something that could be applied to the world around us. I was good to know how easy it was to make biodiesel. Also, I was extremely excited to race our boats!
