Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Boyle's and Charles' Law Lecture

Today and yesterday, we learned about gas, and its laws. We also learned about the names of the guys who created these gas laws. The first one we learned about was Boyle's law. In Boyle's law, temperature and amount are constant. Boyle's law tells us that temperature and volume hold an inverse relationship. We also learned about the units of pressure and the relationship between the units and its conversions. We use these conversion factors in the problems. The practice problems seemed fairly easy. Then again, practice problems are always easy. The ones on the tests are the really hard ones. Charles's Law tells us that temperature and volume vary directly with each other. Also Charles' law requires gas temperature to be in Kelvin. Problems related to Charles' laws are also fairly easy. Apparently, the lecture and problems will get harder starting from Monday.


  1. I agree that the practice problems were easy. However, the test questions don't seem like they're going to be that bad if they are like the ones on the Schoology quizzes. I like the pictures that you used; they show the concepts in a clear manner without drawing so many arrows and lines that it turns out really confusing.

  2. Thank you for the links, and I also agree that the practice problems were easy.

  3. I really liked your explanation of the gas laws in this unit and your use of the diagram picture. The practice problems were easy, but do you think the test will be the same? I don't think so, but Good luck!!!
