Friday, March 18, 2016

Web Resources for the Chemical Bonding Unit

Here are a few web resources for this unit. They are not that helpful but they did clear a few doubts in my head. Some lectures are actually really useful.

1. Lewis Structures - This link shows how dot structures work and how single bonds in covalent compounds relate to dot structures.
2. Bond Energy and Length - This video explains this concept very well.
3. VSEPR Theory - This link shows and explains the VSEPR theory.
4. Difference in shape and geometry - This link shows the difference between electronic and molecular geometry and some other differences.
5. Polarity - This website does a good job explaining how polarity works in a molecule.
6. Dipole moment with electronegativity - This video does a good job explaining how dipole moments work.

All of these links are useful. I would advice you to use a couple of these for the final.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Unit Test for Chemical Bonding

This unit test didn't seem too hard. The one thing I didn't like about this test was the fact that it had over 45 questions. I typically don't like it when there are so many questions on a test. I mean there is no math involved but there was a lot of thinking involved in this test. I didn't study much but I felt like I didn't need to study. I thought the test went okay. However, when I checked my grade in class, it said I got a 54!!!

My heart stopped but a little bit later Mrs. Frankenberg said it was joke and said my real grade was an 80. Thank god. However, I still wasn't happy with my 80. I asked her to check the test and we found several mistakes in the test correcting thingy. Eventually my grade for the test went up to an 85. Man was I glad. Well that's it for this unit because there is not much to it left.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Modeling Lab

This lab wasn't what I'd say, interesting. The one thing unique about this lab was the fact that we actually went out of the classroom for this lab. We went to the library. This was the least dangerous lab ever. I believe DANGER=FUN. Now if you're like me then you probably didn't enjoy the lab. Either way, the lab was still a good learning experience. We all sat in tiny bean bag thingies that were pretty comfortable. However, they were too small for me so I just got the big chair instead. For the lab, we wrote down ideas on an idea table. The lab was just figuring out certain things about each covalent compound. This was good practice for the test. Our teacher was also around to answer any questions we had. In the end, this lab was good because we didn't need to turn in anything for this lab.

 Just Ben looking a little confused.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

First Lesson: Lewis Dot Structures

This was one of the first lessons for this unit. Apparently this unit is connected to the previous unit. I wasn't too happy when I heard that. To be honest, I don't like it when there is no math involved with units. I feel more comfortable when I am dealing with numbers. This is mostly because it is easier to guess number answers. Anyways, I need to explain this lesson. Basically, Lewis Dot Structures are a way to represent the valence electrons in an atom. These weren't really the hard part of the lesson. After this, we talked about bonds and how they can create formal charge. This was the part we were lost in. Well, all units start this way. lets hope it gets better.

These are the dot structures of all the elements.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Web Resources for Electronic Structure Unit

Here are a few web resources for the Electronic structure unit. I know they are a little late for the unit test, but they did help me study. These could be helpful for the final.

1. Wavelength calculation practice - This link contains a couple practice problems relating to calculating wavelength or frequency. These problems are also in word problem format so they are useful for practicing for a test.
2. Electron Configuration lecture - If you are still a little confused about electron configuration, you need to watch this video.
3. Electron Configuration practice - This has very good electron configuration practice. I found these very useful.
4. Quantum Number lecture - I found this lecture very useful.
5. Quantum Number Exercise - This is a very interesting exercise. It isn't just regular practice problems. It is like a challenge.
6. Periodic Trend lecture - This video is by a college but it is still pretty good.

I won't say all of these are good links but most of them are good links. Be sure to look at some of these and you should be doing good in chemistry. If this can't help you, only God can help you.

Unit Test of Electronic Structure

This test was just, '..ehhh..'. I didn't really think it was that hard but at the same time I didn't think it was easy. The one thing that shocked me was the fact that this test was 50 questions long. I think that was the longest chemistry test ever. However, it didn't take much to answer each question. I did pretty good even though I had to stay to finish the test during the passing period. I feel pretty confident about this test. Even if I do screw up this test, I don't care. At this point in 3rd quarter, I am just done with school. My current goal for chemistry is being revised to achieving a 'B' instead of an 'A.' So whatever happens after this test, I'm cool with it. Only thing is that the tests are gonna go in after a long time. Since a lot of other people haven't taken this test, we need to wait for them to take it before putting it into the grade book.