Sunday, February 28, 2016

Weekly Quiz for Electronic Structure and Periodic Trends

This quiz actually went pretty well. I know I don't usually say that but I actually thought I did pretty good. I am saying this because I was able to successfully apply what I learned to the quiz. That doesn't usually happen. The quiz was 30 questions--the most we've ever had--but it went by smoothly without too much time. The hardest part about a test for me is time. If I don't get a question right away, I tend to stay on that question till I get it. This is why I take tests longer than normal people. However, on this test, I had time to triple check my answers. I just have to say I am looking forward to when the quizzes come back.

Quantum Numbers Lecture

This was one of the easiest lectures ever. I mean she told us that as we walked in but I didn't believe her right away. However, I found my answers after the 7 minute lecture. Yup, that's right. This lecture lasted 7 minutes. Quantum numbers is a little bit difficult to explain but it was basically what we learned before put into number format. No more no less. I just hope lectures continue to be this way. Cuz hope is all I got left.

Spectroscopic Analysis Lab

This lab was the most boring in the history of all labs. I think that pretty much summarized the whole lab. The name sounded a little bit cool but the lab itself was not cool. We had this tiny but big machine for this lab. All we had to do was turn knobs and to find the amount of light in each color of test tube. We had to be accurate so it was pretty hard. The hardest part about the lab was that we had to repeat this over 50 times. That was it. I know I may have exaggerated a little bit but that was pretty much it.

First lectures on Electronic Structure

My first impression on this unit was pretty good. This unit started off pretty easy. The first part of this unit involved using formulas to calculate certain things involving light energy. We learned two basic formulas for the speed of light (C = frequency x wavelength) and energy (Planck's constant x frequency). We basically apply these two formulas to solve for one of the variables. We also have different units so we need to use the conversion factor to make correct calculations. We also learned about how to locate the electrons in an atom. This was very confusing at first as I had no background knowledge to understand the lecture. I did however catch on to the lesson and found it to be fairly easy. I hope it stays that way.

Flame Test Lab

This lab was one of our more interesting labs. As the name suggests, we had fire during our experiment. This is why I enjoyed it. The purpose of the lab was to see the color of the flames produced when certain metals burned and to determine the identity of an unknown metal. It was pretty cool to see the different kinds of flame colors. This was one of the most colorful labs I have ever done. I thought we would have more fun with fire, but I guess it was fine just to see the different colors of the fire. I was a little nervous at first as I have a reputation of messing up labs. I usually screw up on every lab I do. Although, this lab was more successful than any other lab. It went pretty smoothly. I look forward to doing more labs like this one.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Web Resources for the Acid-Base Unit

Here are a few helpful links for the acid-base unit:

1. Difference between Arrhenius and Bronsted Lowry Acids and Bases - This link talks about, well, the difference between these two types of acids and bases.
2. Conjugate acid-base pairs quiz - Pretty good quiz. There are few questions, but they are good questions.
3. pH and pOH practice problems - This is a big quiz and it has questions involving calculations of pH, pOH, H+, and OH-.
4. How to do ICE Box problems - This link shows you how to do ICE Box problems.
5. How to do Titration problems - This link shows you how to perform titration problems.
6. Practice Titration problems - This has practice titration questions. It is also from Khan Academy which is a very useful and reliable source.

Although I did not use all of these sources to prepare for the test, I still recommend them. I actually regret not using these for the test. Sure, I did already have a lot of practice to do, but I feel like I could have used more practice.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Molar Mass of Unknown Acid Lab

This was a very interesting yet very frustrating lab. It was pretty much the old lab but with a new acid that we had to find the molar mass of. Our last lab went smoothly so I thought this one would go by quick too. Boy was I wrong. The first time I titrated with my partner, we got a 16% error. We were shocked. We saved some time as we didn't have to re-standardize, but we still weren't fast enough to do 2 trials on the first day. We tried again the next day and got a 17% error. We kind of felt terrible. We decided to give it a 3rd try, and we hit jackpot. We got a 7% error. I was really happy. My partner, clearly wasn't satisfied. She wanted a less percent error. I got mad and decided to turn in the note-card alone while she took the test. Hehe. Now she can't change it. Oh well, I guess this lab was pretty fun.

Cool tornado inside a beaker

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Percent Acetic Acid in Vinegar Lab

This lab was more fun than any other lab (I feel like I say that for every lab). The first thing I liked about this lab was that we had all the time in the world to do our titrations. We had 3 days to work on it and the first day was just a 'trial day' for the experiment. Of course, there was a catch to it. We were being graded on percent error in our titrations. If we put to much base in, we're..... in trouble. Other than the constant threat of messing up the lab, this lab was pretty fun. The color that the solution turned was cool. I mean it was pink, but the way it turned pink was cool. I really don't know what else to say so, cya guys.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Quiz on Acids and Bases

This quiz was the first time I knew what I was doing. I knew a majority of the questions from the practice test and so I was prepared to take this quiz. I came in confident and I walked out confident. Then I was not so confident when I saw my grade. I thought I got an 'A', but I wasn't even close. I got a low B, and I was worried. I thought I had problems with me understanding the lesson, but it was just concentrations issues. This, I found out, as I got my quiz back. I made 2 silly mistakes and one that I just didn't realize was an ice-box type of question. I was still pretty happy with the fact that I could change my grade with the test. And I hope I will change my grade. Hopefully, to a positive end. And I gotta study for the retake. I feel pretty confident with solutions. I think I'm gonna do good.