Thursday, January 14, 2016

Molarity Lab Day 2

Today, we measured out the substance in the filter paper. We let it dry overnight to get an accurate measurement of the substance. To measure to substance, we used to same scale that we used last time. This is to ensure that any errors are balanced out. Now that we measured the substance, we have to use stoichiometry to find the molarity of the unknown solution. But now we know that the solution is really just AgNO3. All we need is the molarity to finish up the murder case and find the guilty person.


  1. Great job on your lab Varun! I don't know about you but I really enjoyed this lab. It was much more interactive than most other labs we've done and I found it to be much more interesting.

  2. Cool results! My group got very similar looks. Who did you conclude the killer was?
