Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Ideal Gas Law and preparing for the Airbag Lab

On Friday, we learned about the ideal gas law. I learned that every gas law that we are learning about in class is about an ideal gas. I also learned that real gases react unpredictably. We learned about the ideal gas law formula and how to use that in questions. Most of the times, this law is used to find a medium that allows us to find the answer.  These practice questions didn't seem too hard, but these questions on the test are what are hard. This is the ideal gas law formula:

After lecture, we talked about the most interesting lab ever, the inflate an airbag lab. In this lab, we have to write our own procedure and we don't know anything about the size of the bag or the amount of stuff we need to use to inflate the bag. I think I have the procedure down already but I am really stressed. This lab is a pass or fail lab and is worth 20 points. I have to get a 100 percent on this or I am gonna have to take my exempted final. GOD, wish me luck.


  1. Don't stress about the lab too much, you'll be fine. Just make sure to get everything exactly right!

  2. This lesson was fairly simple at the start, but as we got to the harder problems, I got a little nervous due to all the dimensional analysis needed to solve. There are so many places to mess up! Hopefully the test questions over this lesson won't be as hard as I think they will be.
