Sunday, January 31, 2016

Friday Lecture on Calculating pH Values

Everyone said that this lecture was really hard. In a way, being 5th hour is terrible. We are always stressed out by the time we hear lecture or by the time we take a test. I am usually sweating on the inside when I walk into chem. Anyways, the lecture on Friday was really not that hard. I actually sort of kind of maybe understood it. I know this because I attempted a problem. When we didn't finish the lecture on Friday, our teacher put the rest of the notes on Schoology. Instead of copying the notes, I decided to try the problem. I swung and hit a homerun. That's right, I got that question right. So, I feel like I understand this lecture. I just hope I feel the same tomorrow when I am taking my test.

Vitamin C Lab

This lab was indeed, very interesting. I learned a new word during this lab -- titration. I still don't exactly know what that means, but I know how to spell it. We were adding something to each of our test sample until they turned a dark blue. The whole purpose of this lab was to see the Vitamin C concentration in each sample. We used a standard to set the baseline and then we tested the others and saw how it compared to the standard to calculate its concentration of Vitamin C. This was a pretty fun lab. I didn't mess up too much during this lab. I'd say we did a pretty good job. I'm proud of myself. Well, that's it to this lab.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Web Resources for the Aqueous Solutions Unit

Here are a few helpful links for the aqueous solutions unit.

1. Solubility Curves - This link talks about solubility curves. I had a hard time with this concept until I saw this website.
2. Solubility Curve Problems - This link has a few practice problems for solubility curves. If you look closely at the graphs, you can easily notice that the graph is the exact same as the graph that Mrs. Frankenberg used on the tests.
3. Molarity - This link shows how molarity works and also has a couple examples of molarity problems.
4. Molarity Practice Problems - This link contains a few practice problems on molarity. It is a great way to practice for the test.
5. Serial Dilution - This link shows what is a serial dilution, and how to perform it. It also shows how to calculate the molarity as the dilution progresses.
6. Serial Dilution Practice Problems - This link contains 1 practice problem for serial dilution. It is very similar to the serial dilution problem given to us on the quiz.

These are very useful links for this unit. I hope they are useful to you guys too.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Molarity Lab Day 2

Today, we measured out the substance in the filter paper. We let it dry overnight to get an accurate measurement of the substance. To measure to substance, we used to same scale that we used last time. This is to ensure that any errors are balanced out. Now that we measured the substance, we have to use stoichiometry to find the molarity of the unknown solution. But now we know that the solution is really just AgNO3. All we need is the molarity to finish up the murder case and find the guilty person.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Molarity Lab Day 1

This was actually a very fun and interesting lab. We have to solve a murder case (of course, fake one). We were given an unknown solution and 5 suspects. We have to create a procedure to determine the identity and molarity of the solution. All this was on Monday. Today, we did the procedure. In the procedure, we had to first determine the identity of the unknown solution by mixing it with Na2CO3. If a precipitate formed, the solution was AgNO3. If it didn't form a precipitate, it was KI. Then we mixed all of the solutions in a beaker. Then we massed the filter paper and used a funnel to filter out the crystals. That was it for today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Quiz on Aqueous Solutions

This quiz was something very interesting. I knew what I was doing, but I wasn't confident. I guessed on like 5 questions out of 24 and I am unsure about 19. The only part I liked was the beginning. For the first time, the beginning was actually easy. It was stoichiometry and I remember most of stoichiometry (cause I reviewed the night before). Other than that, most of the test was hard. But, I have no one to blame but myself. I wasn't fully prepared for this test as I was kind of busy the night before. I only reviewed my notes and didn't take the practice tests. I do promise to study hard for the unit test. I want a good grade. Well, that's it for today.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Serial Dilution Activity

Today, in class, we learned about dilutions. We specifically learned about serial dilutions and how they work. After the lecture, we did an activity in the lab. It wasn't an actual lab so we didn't have to do a pre lab quiz. This, I gotta say, was one of my favorite things about this activity. The activity asked us to make a serial dilution. First, we poured 10 ml of water in a cup and put 20 drops of food coloring into it. Then we got another 9 ml of water and took 1 ml of the first solution, and put it into the 9 ml solution. We repeated this procedure until we didn't see any water. This was it.