Monday, September 21, 2015


Today, we learned in class about isotopes. We learned how isotopes are determined by the number of neutrons in the element. We also learned about the isotopic symbol and how to write and interpret it. After this, we played a game where we take the signature of a person who knows the answer to the question. This was to help us review about the isotopes.


  1. I agree that the game we played today in class helped vastly with my understanding of the lesson. This appears to be the easiest lesson in awhile.

    1. It's nice that you get it Arik. But to be fair, this lesson is more confusing the last one for me in some cases. But I think I got it now.

  2. I agree that the game we played today in class helped vastly with my understanding of the lesson. This appears to be the easiest lesson in awhile.

  3. The way we learned how to interrupt an isotope now seems to be much easier than when we learned it freshman year. The game did help.
