Thursday, September 24, 2015

Star Log Project

Okay, I know I am procrastinating with this project, but I have really been busy this week. I am probably going to get it done this weekend because I won't have time during next week. The project is due next Thursday, so I have to get it done this weekend. Wish me luck because I am gonna have a very busy weekend! (wow, I am really starting to use this as my journal. I should probably stop...)

First Weekly Quiz

Wow, this quiz was a shocker. I did not know we had a test in the class until one of my friends told me about 20 minutes before the test. I didn't prepare but I knew most of the stuff so I did pretty good on the test. Although I got mastery in most of the objectives, I got a pretty bad grade in one of them. The good news is that if I get mastery over this objective on the next test, my chemistry teacher will drop the bad score. Alright guys, wish me luck on the next test. I know when it is so I can study for it. :)

Beanium Lab

The Beanium lab was an experiment done to test the reason why the atomic mass on the periodic table is never a whole number. The procedure had us count the beans and then weigh them and calculate the average mass of the isotope, abundances, and the average atomic mass. This lab was pretty fun, but I can't wait till we get to do an actual experiment involving chemicals.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Today, we learned in class about isotopes. We learned how isotopes are determined by the number of neutrons in the element. We also learned about the isotopic symbol and how to write and interpret it. After this, we played a game where we take the signature of a person who knows the answer to the question. This was to help us review about the isotopes.

Pre-Test Unit 2

That was definitely one of the worst pre-tests I had. I didn't know anything on the test. Boy, if that was for a grade, I would have an 'F' in this class right now. I kinda figured some stuff out in the end, but the rest of it was just hard. A test which was even worse than this was the ACT. I had to take it last Thursday. I never thought it could be soo hard. I got sick after taking the ACT... that definietely wasn't fun. Well at least they were both practice or pre-tests. They are not for a grade! Or are they????

Monday, September 14, 2015

Final Thoughts About Nomenclature

I was thinking. I already know a couple ways of naming compounds. There might be more though. I really don't know what 'thoughts' I have about nomenclature. This is about it. I already summed up the things I learned in the other post.

Things I Learned in Nomenclature

There are different ways of naming compounds. It also depends on if the compound is ionic or covalent. There are two ways for naming ionic compounds. Type 1 compounds have cations with a constant charge. Type 2 compounds have cations with a variable charge. Type 3 are covalent compounds. This type of naming is used if the the cation is nonmetal. Then there is polyatomic ions. This is a summary of what I learned in nomenclature.