Eastern Deciduous Forest

This page contains plants which cure the following maladies in the eastern deciduous forest region.

Malaria: Cinquefoil, Echinacea

Frostbite: English Plantain

Tick Bite: English Plantain, Echinacea

Sore Throat: Partridge Pea, Cinquefoil

Constipation: Chicory, Milkweed

Diarrhea: English Plantain, Cinquefoil, Ironweed, White Snakeroot, Daisy Fleabane

Food Poisoning: Juniper Berry, Blue Vervain, Cardinal Flower, Ironweed, Red Clover, Queen Anne's Lace

Sprained Ankle/Wrist: English Plantain, Juniper Berry, Chicory, White Pine

Knife Cut: English Plantain, Echinacea, Primrose, Cinquefoil, Chicory, Red Clover

AxeWound: English Plantain, Blue Vervain, Juniper Berry, Primrose, Echinacea, Chicory, Red Clover, White Pine, Cinquefoil, White Snakeroot

Snake Bite (rattlesnake): Black-Eyed Susan, Juniper Berry, Echinacea, English Plantain, White Snakeroot

Dermatitis: Cardinal Flower, Partridge Pea, English Plantain, Ironweed, Echinacea

Rope Burn: Partridge Pea, Chicory, Primrose, English Plantain, Echinacea

Poison Ivy: Chicory

Blisters: Echinacea, Cardinal Flower, Chicory, English Plantain

Fungus Infection: Juniper Berry, Red Clover

Bear Attack (large flesh wounds): Primrose, English Plantain, Cinquefoil, Chicory, White Pine, Red Clover, White Snakeroot, Bottlebrush

Deep puncture wound: English Plantain, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Echinacea, Primrose, White Snakeroot, Bottlebrush

Burns From Oil: Partridge Pea, Chicory, Primrose, English Plantain, Echinacea

Toothache: Echinacea

Flea Bites: English Plantain, Echinacea

Sunburn: Partridge Pea, Chicory, Primrose, English Plantain, Echinacea

Gunshot Wound (fleshy): Chicory, English Plantain, Cinquefoil, Primrose, Red Clover, Echinacea, White Pine, White Snakeroot

Broken Bone: Chicory, English Plantain

Burns From Fire: Partridge Pea, Chicory, Primrose, English Plantain, Echinacea

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