
Name of Star: Rigel

Chemical Make-up:

High abundance in Hydrogen and Helium

Location in Space:

5h14m33.268s, -8°12'5.98" (epoch 2000.0)

Stellar Classification:


Spectrum Analysis:
Hydrogen spectrum analysis


For information:

1. Rigel. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2015, from http://stellar-database.com/Scripts/search_star.exe?Name=rigel
2. Stars. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2015, from http://www.astronoo.com/en/stars.html

For pictures:

1. 100,000 Stars. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2015, from http://stars.chromeexperiments.com/
2. Visible Spectra of the Elements. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2015, from http://www.umop.net/spctelem.htm

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